to my bao bei Bold 9000
i know i shouldn't but i had my reasons
i sold off my Bold to Ivan today
remember the date May 4th, 2010
i remember it was only yesterday that i got my handset back from Maxis
the original one had some defects
so Maxis sent it off for repair for 2 months
ohh the wait for my phone was so agonizing
i was given a loan set which looked and functioned so ciplak-ly
then again it was better than none, the courtesy phone
**holster never been used**
track ball still white, lolol
it was a right choice anyway
cause the technicians in Singapore couldn't repair it
therefore Maxis gave me a brand new set
so happy la di fucken da!!!
now i know it is in safe hands and will
pay my Elyna a visit when i go KL later this month
***** I SOLD OFF MY BOLD*****