and fairy dust
a normal average looking girl can morph into a tra la la doll
and have men ogling at them
i super respect
those who are born with aesthetics is a bonus
the ones that aren't just need a makeover lolol
let's take an example
credit goes to Yutaki for the pictures
now we embark on a journey to pursue kawaii like beauty
somewhere in China
we pick a random girl like this one and turn her into cho pretty lass
sorry babe whoever you are
but you were the one who leaked your pictures yourself
but i salute your guts nonetheless
alright guys
this is an unedited picture of a normal average girl
no make up, word
now let's muck around abit
to achieve that tra la la doll look
first up
clean up so skin is so fresh fresh and clean
after double eyelid stickers
put on contact lens so eyes appear bigger
*this step very important!!
big circle lens
guys and girls
do you see the difference?
now with a bit of makeup/foundation
(halfway thru the process already)
sapu it all around the face for even complexion
and then we move on to the eyes again
to complete the look
here she puts on falsies and mascara to accentuate her eyes
almost done
eyelid tape - check
contact lenses - check
foundation - check
eyeliner, falsies, mascara - check
now hold your breath
and count to 10
and voila!
no this post is not about poking fun at somebody no pun intended
this chick has got splendid skills to glam it up
to turn into a beauty all you need is some great makeup skills
a whole lot of tools
to get it right
then again, to me, the eye enlarging contact lenses plays a big role
in the whole process
big eyes are a must!! remember
wanna buy lenses?
please drop by
a little bit of work and the right tools
will take you places